Our ESG Strategy

At IVE, we stand for a future that’s sustainable. As an ASX-listed business with 2,000 employees and a network of 2,800 customers across Australia, we know we have a responsibility to our people, customers, investors, wider stakeholders and the planet.

That’s why we are proud to launch our 2025 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, grounded in our strong commitment to achieving better outcomes for society.

For a brighter future

As a global community, we face increasingly complex challenges – from navigating the impacts of climate change to reducing how we consume resources, to delivering a more equitable and inclusive society.

At IVE, we recognise the critical role of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in our long-term success in mitigating climate and social risks, recognising our responsibilities to operate in alignment with stakeholders’ expectations and enabling sustainable growth for generations to come.

Our approach

Drawing on more than 100 years of adapting to change and acting responsibly, our ESG strategy embeds sustainability throughout our business and decision-making processes so that we can continue to create meaningful impact.

From commissioning Life Cycle Assessments that compare the environmental impact of products and services, to prioritising paper as a material of focus, we are committed to delivering shared value for our customers, people, community, and supply chain.

In addition, our commitment to transparency means we will continue to ensure GRI-aligned reporting, including full alignment to the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.

Our ESG pillars and

2025 key targets

1. Innovative customer solutions

Our objective is to push the boundaries of sustainable product development in our sector and empower customers with the knowledge to make informed choices.

By 2025:

  • 100% of our quotes will have an associated environmental impact rating.
  • 100% of our textile products will have access to a take back scheme.
  • 4% of addressable spend will be contracted to social suppliers. (which we define as those that drive social inclusion or environmental impact).

2. People and community

We will continue to create a safe and inclusive working environment and support those communities who support us.

By 2025:

  • A minimum of 80 certified mental health first aid staff will be employed in the business.
  • We will achieve a 40/40/20 gender ratio across senior management.
  • We will employ 30 graduate, cadet and apprenticeship participants have been sourced from Indigenous, culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD), youth, disability and older Australian cohorts over the course of our 2025.

3. Responsible operations and supply chain

We will mitigate our impact on the climate and lead projects that deliver more regenerative and ethical supply chains.

By 2025:

  • We will transition to 50% renewable electricity, with an aim to achieving 100% 
by 2030.
  • We will achieve a minimum 25% reduction in scope 1 & 2 emissions intensity against a CY21 baseline.
  • We will reduce total operational waste intensity by 20% on a CY21 baseline.

Strong governance and transparent reporting are the cornerstones of our 
ESG commitment.

This is manifested through:

For more information on our approach to ESG contact us at:


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